Copy of Intuitive Derivative Graphing Exercise

Below, the graph of a function is shown. [br][br][color=#38761d]The [b]LIGHT GREEN POINTS[/b] control the appearance of the entire graph. [br]So to start & during this exercise, please don't touch these. [br][/color][br][color=#ff7700]The [b]ORANGE POINTS[/b] are points that lie on the graph of this function. [br]These points can be dragged anywhere you like on the curve [i]prior to[/i] or [i]during[/i] your completion of this exercise. [/color][br][br][i]The Y-COORDINATE of each WHITE POINT is the same as the slope of the segment passing through (either the [b][color=#38761d]light green[/color][/b] or [color=#ff7700][b]orange[/b][/color]) point directly above it or directly below it.[/i][br][br]Given this information, position the WHITE POINTS in such a way that it causes the segment above it or below it to appear tangent to the graph of the function. By doing so, you will be finding a possible point on the graph of the derivative of this function.[br][br]When you're done positioning the white points, use the pen [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_pen.png[/icon] tool to sketch the derivative graph based upon your work. To check your work, click the "Check Your Work" checkbox. [br][br][br]
If you would like to try this exercise multiple times, simply use the delete icon [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_delete.png[/icon] to erase any previous sketches you made. Then, reposition any one (or more) of the four [b][color=#38761d]green points [/color][/b]to get an entirely different graph. [br][br][i][b][color=#38761d]Just be sure not to move any green points in the middle of an exercise[/color][/b], at it will change the graph of the entire function. [br][br][/i][b]Note: [/b][br]If you do move any of the [b][color=#38761d]light green points[/color][/b] and the function graph disappears, simply refresh the page in your browser.
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Information: Copy of Intuitive Derivative Graphing Exercise