Part, Whole and Percentage

percentage ruler (mixture)

Use a slider to mix the apples and mangos or undo the mixing. Learners may guess the percentages before or after the mixing.[br][br]When the items are arranged in a line, the percentage ruler can be used to visualise the percentages by adjusting the 100% mark. [br][br]Click the apples or mangos sliders and use the style bar to hide the labels (which include the numbers) if needed.
You may use the following calculator to show and record your calculation.

From simple to compound interest

Chinese version:[br]

Double Number Line - Percent Change

[br]Related apps available from [url=]EDC in Maine[/url] include [url=]Double Number Line - Percent Change (2)[/url] and [url=]Double Number Line[/url].[br][br]Contact us at if this resource should be updated, or with questions or suggestions. We appreciate your help maintaining the quality of this resource.

estimate fraction in a set

In this activity, visualise or estimate the fraction of dots that are blue. The examples can be manipulated by the teacher in front of the learners. This may allow discussion about the meaning of fraction and developing a sense of the fraction size. [br][br]The fraction is shown as f1 or f2 (on the left or right), before or after simplification. The dots can be ordered in columns (use the 'move' slider) or sorted for better visualisation. The number of column can be adjusted to show more clearly the fraction. Learners may suggest how many columns would be better.[br][br]When the fractions are hidden, the dots are scattered and mixed, learners may guess the fraction. Their estimation can be updated when the dots are rearranged. When one of the fractions is shown, they can also estimate or work out another one. [br][br]If you want to show the value of part or whole without showing the entire fraction (f1), click one of the slider, use the style bar to change the option of label from 'caption' to 'value'.

introduce percentage change in Desmos

This Desmos activity asks students to distinguish relative and absolute changes, as a starting point for learning about percentage change: [br][br]In slides 6, 11 and 13, students can estimate the changes by dragging on the screen.
