[list=1][*]Drag a picture inside this app. [/*][*]Zoom in and out. Position and size you picture the way you want. [/*][*]Right click on the picture. Select FIX OBJECT. [/*][*]Right click on picture again. Go to SETTINGS. Choose SET BACKGROUND IMAGE. [/*][*]Right click on points [i]A[/i] and [i]B[/i]. Uncheck SHOW OBJECT (to hide them). [/*][*]Use the pen tool to draw within the picture. [/*][*]You can zoom in zoom out at any time. [/*][/list][br][list][*]You can include this custom app within any GeoGebra activity you make. [br][/*][*]You can also [b][url=https://www.geogebra.org/material/copy/id/dxx3zk5w]COPY THIS ACTIVITY[/url][/b] to start creating your own custom activity where such functionality is needed. [/*][/list]