Absolute Value Transformations
Start by setting the sliders to the following settings:[br] a = 1[br] k = 0[br] h = 0
What happens when a is changed and h = 0 and k = 0?[br]
The width of the "V" gets narrower or wider. The "a" value is the slope of the graph.
What happens when a = 1 and h = 0, but k is changed?
The graph moves up and down. (Vertical Shift) It moves up when k gets bigger and it moves down when k gets smaller.
What happens when a = 1 and k = 0, but h is changed?
When his is changed the graph shifts to the right or left. (Horizontal Shift)
Can you write the generic equation for an absolute value function with an a, x, h, k? f(x)=
f(x) =a | x - h | + k
Can you determine the vertex for the graph from the equation?
Try again
Information: Absolute Value Transformations