Inv 1.4 Figure 1 - Properties of Transformations

Investigation 1.4 - pg. 17 in your green book[br][b]First Figure[/b]
Part A:
[b]In your Google Doc, [/b]describe transformations you need to create the [color=#ff0000]red[/color] polygon from the [color=#00ff00]green[/color] polygon.
Now, [i]DO [/i]the transformations you need to create the red polygon from the green polygon.
Part B
Screenshot your transformation above [b]into your Google Doc.[/b][br]Answer all questions Part B:1-5 [b][i]in your Google Doc[/i][/b].

Inv 2.1 - Connecting Congruent Polygons

1) Turn to Investigation 2.1 on pg. 31 in your green book[br]2) Transform ABCD to fit directly on PQRS[br]
Screenshot your transformation(s) [b]into your Google Doc.[br][/b]Then, write the answer to all Parts A,B,C,D [i][b]in your Google Doc.[/b][/i]

Inv 4.1A - Focus on Dilations

Part A
1. In your green book turn to Inv. 4.1 on page 77[br]2. Do the dilation instructed in Part A at the top of page 77[br]3. [i]Use the area tool, angle tool, and length tool to measure each polygon.[br][/i] [b]Screenshot each shape into your Google Doc[/b] after you do each type of measurement.[br]4. Answer the questions in Part A [b]in your Google Doc.[/b]
