This activity is also part of one or more other Books. Modifications will be visible in all these Books. Do you want to modify the original activity or create your own copy for this Book instead?
This activity was created by '{$1}'. Do you want to modify the original activity or create your own copy instead?
This activity was created by '{$1}' and you lack the permission to edit it. Do you want to create your own copy instead and add it to the book?
지오지브라로 만든 간단한 sinx그래프
토토로가 달리는 그 점 A는 sinx그래프 위에 놓여있다.
sinx그래프를 그려본 적은 이번이 처음이었는데 애니메이션으로 만드니까 더 작도가 쉽고 지오지브라로 함수 만들기가 간단하다는 것을 새삼 깨닫게 되었다.