Classifying Quadrilaterals

The aim of this lesson is to identify different types of quadrilaterals and understand the similarities and differences between them.[br][br][b]1.[/b] Watch this video that has a song about different types of quadrilaterals:
[This video is sourced from NUMBEROCK Math Songs on YouTube;]
The picture below contains a typical example of what each different type of quadrilateral may look like:
Here is a diagram that shows a hierarchy we can use to classify quadrilaterals:
Here is another diagram that groups quadrilaterals based on the properties that they have in common:
[The two pictures above were sourced from:[br]Schmude, M. (Producer). (2016). Geometry video. [Video podcast]. In [i]EDME358: Primary Mathematics 2A - Space, Measurement and Number[/i]. Armidale, Australia: University of New England. Retrieved from]
[b]2.[/b] Classify quadrilaterals A to T by colouring. [br](Click a quadrilateral from the right hand column, then click those quadrilaterals A to T in the same class.)[br][br]Drag the ruler and rotate it (using the red point) to measure lengths and right angles.
[b]3.[/b] Examine each of the following quadrilaterals. Determine what type of quadrilateral the figure represents. Justify your conclusions.
Quadrilateral 1
Quadrilateral 2
Quadrilateral 3
Quadrilateral 4
