[b]Irregular shapes[/b] are shapes that have sides and/or angles of different lengths and sizes, i.e. the sides are not all of equal length, and/or the interior angles are not all the same size.
What did you notice about the three shapes? Is there are connection between their areas? *Use the tool below to help you answer this question*
To find the area of [b]irregular shapes[/b], you will decompose the irregular shape into [b]regular shapes[/b], such as triangles or regular polygons, then find the area of each of the regular shapes and add them together.[br][br]Some of the common [b]regular shapes[/b] used when decomposing irregular shapes are rectangles, squares, triangles, circles or semicircles, and trapezoids.
This irregular shape was split into two shapes, a [u][color=#6d9eeb]rectangle (shape A)[/color][/u] and a[color=#93c47d] [u]square (shape B)[/u][/color]. Find the area of the rectangle and the area of the square, and then add the two areas together.
What is the Area of the Orange Irregular Shape above? (Units^2)
What is the Area of the Orange Irregular Shape above? (Units^2)
What is the Area of the Orange Irregular Shape above? (Units^2)
What steps did you take to solve the problems above? Make a numbered list.
[list=1][*]Break down the irregular shape into regular shapes.[/*][*]Find the area of each regular shape.[/*][*]Add the areas.[/*][*]Write down your final answer with square units.[/*][/list]
What is the total area of the dog run? (don't forget units)
What is the size of the dog run not including the part filled with water?