Trig ID: Geometric Investigation

Interact with this applet for a few minutes. [br]As you do, be sure to change the location of the [b][color=#ff00ff]LARGE PINK POINT[/color] [/b]a few times. [br]After doing so, please answer the questions that follow. [br][br]Note: In this animation, lines that appear to be parallel ARE parallel.
Express the area of the original rectangle (at the beginning of the animation) in terms of [math]\theta[/math].
What is the area of the rectangle you see at the end of the animation? Express this area in terms of [math]\theta[/math].
What can we conclude about the areas of the rectangle shown at the beginning and end of this animation? How/why do we know this to be true?
Given your results for (1), (2), and (3) above, write a relationship between the expressions (written in terms of [math]\theta[/math]) you wrote in (1) and (2).

Information: Trig ID: Geometric Investigation