Explore the app

The User Interface of the [i]GeoGebra 3D Calculator[/i] includes the[i] [i][img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/9/98/AlgebraBlack.svg/24px-AlgebraBlack.svg.png[/img][/i] Algebra View[/i], the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/4/49/ToolsBlack.png/24px-ToolsBlack.png[/img] [i]Tools View [/i]and the [i]3D Graphics View[/i]. All [i]Views[/i] are dynamically connected, which means that modifications in any [i]View[/i] are immediately displayed in the other [i]Views[/i] as well.[br][br][b]Examples: [br][/b][list][*]Drag point [i]A [/i]in the [i]3D Graphics View[/i] and watch how its coordinates change in the [i][img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/9/98/AlgebraBlack.svg/24px-AlgebraBlack.svg.png[/img][/i] [i]Algebra View[/i].[br][b]Hint:[/b] You can toggle between moving the point horizontally or vertically by selecting the point. After each selection, arrows are displayed next to it, indicating which movement is currently active.[br][/*][/list][list][*]Enter the equation of a plane (e.g. [math]x+y+z=1[/math]) or a function (e.g. [math]f\left(x,y\right)=sin\left(x\right)\cdot sin\left(y\right)[/math][code])[br][/code]in the [i][img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/9/98/AlgebraBlack.svg/24px-AlgebraBlack.svg.png[/img][/i] [i]Algebra View[/i] and watch how it is graphed in the [i]3D Graphics View.[/i][br][/*][/list]
Explore the GeoGebra 3D Calculator
The Tools View
Use the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/4/49/ToolsBlack.png/24px-ToolsBlack.png[/img][i] Tools View [/i]button to open the [i]Tools View [/i]providing access to the categories of [i]GeoGebra[/i] tools. Select any tool and create new objects in the [i]3D Graphics View[/i].[br][br][b]Note:[/b] The [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/4/49/ToolsBlack.png/24px-ToolsBlack.png[/img] [i]Tools View [/i]shows a selection of most important tools. If you want to see more tools, select [i]MORE[/i] at the end of the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/4/49/ToolsBlack.png/24px-ToolsBlack.png[/img] [i]Tools View[/i].
The Algebra View
Use the [i][img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/9/98/AlgebraBlack.svg/24px-AlgebraBlack.svg.png[/img][/i] [i]Algebra View [/i]button to open the[i] Algebra View. [/i]Enter algebraic input, commands and functions into the [i]Input Bar[/i] using the keyboard. The graphical representation of these objects is displayed in the [i]3D Graphics View[/i]. The algebraic numeric representation of all created objects is shown in the [i][img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/9/98/AlgebraBlack.svg/24px-AlgebraBlack.svg.png[/img][/i] [i]Algebra [/i][i]View [/i]as well.
Extend / Hide the Views
If you don't need the 3D [i]Graphics View [/i]you can extend the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/9/98/AlgebraBlack.svg/24px-AlgebraBlack.svg.png[/img] [i]Algebra View [/i]to full screen so you have more space for your input and explorations.[br]You may also want to only show the 3D [i]Graphics View [/i]and to close the other [i]Views[/i]. Therefore select the highlighted [i]View [/i]from the navigation. You can display other [i]Views [/i]again by using the corresponding buttons. 
The Menu
Open the [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/8/8c/Ic_menu_black.svg/16px-Ic_menu_black.svg.png[/img] [i]Menu[/i] of the [i]GeoGebra 3D Calculator[/i] in the top left corner to create [i]New Files[/i], open existing [i]Resources[/i], [i]Save[/i] your work and [i]Share[/i] it with others, as well as to change the [i]Settings[/i], open other [i]GeoGebra Apps[/i] or to get [i]Help[/i] if needed.
Undo and Redo
Use the [img width=20,height=20]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/uJ4x8teusU7ONkU4GRUfIsxyRmcMVHPpkl2R1AN3w8je1J1FWATGi_XOZ_OgGLQcT87R8bDTpExHDIrYK8dvppW5bzxyaHpLqz1dAU_hUW4pzuMIp7zgAI2AiLtPt1dzhi3wkANL[/img] [i]Undo[/i] button to undo your activities step by step.[br]After selecting [img width=20,height=20]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/uJ4x8teusU7ONkU4GRUfIsxyRmcMVHPpkl2R1AN3w8je1J1FWATGi_XOZ_OgGLQcT87R8bDTpExHDIrYK8dvppW5bzxyaHpLqz1dAU_hUW4pzuMIp7zgAI2AiLtPt1dzhi3wkANL[/img] [i]Undo[/i], a [img width=20,height=20]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/trF8GKVLvxV298WUjXECqEP9mHW5GrRbTWpaKU3gZ2q_aXV69uXgQ1_pBsbcQKO8_hRjBGEmZhXtvnzsPDJmQQJZQX6CyUBVjVT_V_kP7gM-0g8ASN5MrFCmJauj0KRM9OG8mpIb[/img][i] Redo[/i] button will be available as well. [br][br][b]Note:[/b] The [img width=20,height=20]https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/uJ4x8teusU7ONkU4GRUfIsxyRmcMVHPpkl2R1AN3w8je1J1FWATGi_XOZ_OgGLQcT87R8bDTpExHDIrYK8dvppW5bzxyaHpLqz1dAU_hUW4pzuMIp7zgAI2AiLtPt1dzhi3wkANL[/img] [i]Undo [/i]button automatically appears after one or more objects have been created. 
The Settings
Select [img]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/d/d2/Ic_settings_black.svg/16px-Ic_settings_black.svg.png[/img] [i]Settings [/i]in the top right corner to open the [i]Settings[/i]. Decide if you want to show the axes, a coordinate grid or to change the view on the objects. You can also open further settings to change the [i]Global s[/i]ettings (e.g.: rounding, language), the [i]3D Graphics View[/i] settings (e.g.: grid type, distances on the axes) as well as the [i]Algebra View[/i] settings (e.g.: descriptions).
Augmented Reality (AR)
If you are using the [i]GeoGebra 3D Calculator [/i]on a mobile device that supports AR, you can [size=100]tap the [i]AR [/i]button to switch into [i]Augmented Reality[/i] mode. There you can place your created objects on any surface, walk around them and take screenshots from different angles.[br]You can return to the [i]3D Graphics View[/i] by tapping the [i]3D[/i] button.[br][/size][b]Note:[/b] You can check if AR is supported on your device [url=https://developers.google.com/ar/discover/supported-devices]here[/url].

Information: Explore the app