
Corresponding Parts
[math]\bigtriangleup[/math][color=#333333]ABC[math]\cong\bigtriangleup[/math]EFD[br][/color]What are the corresponding parts?
△XYZ ≅ △MNL. X=33 degrees, N=124 degrees, Side LN is 12 units long, Side NM is 8 units long.
Given the information above what is the measure of Y?
Given the information above what is the measure of M?
Given the information above what is the measure of Z?
Given the information above what is the measure of side XY?
Real World
You're repairing a hole. You've expanded the hole to be a triangle to make it easier to cut the patch (see the diagram above). If you're cutting the patch XYZ to fit hole ABC perfectly, what are the measurements of each corner and each side of XYZ? Be sure to specify which measurement applies to which part of the patch.

Information: Congruence