3. Three-parameter model transformations of the Cube faces.

[size=85]Three parameters are used to transform Cube faces:[br] t - for truncating, [br] q-similarity transformations,[br] α-angle rotation of faces.[br] With these parameters, using the well-known [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion_(geometry)]Expansion[/url] and [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snub_(geometry)]Snub[/url] operations applied to a polyhedron, you can explore various polyhedra and get a number of [url=https://www.sacred-geometry.es/?q=en/content/archimedean-solids]Archimedean Solids[/url].[/size]
Values of parameters in the polyhedron model defining the well-known polyhedra.

Informação: 3. Three-parameter model transformations of the Cube faces.