Check this out!

O = (0, 0)[br]n = 10[br]Ln = 1..n[br]Execute(Zip("C"+k+" = Circle(O, "+k+")", k, Ln))[br]map(v, w, x, y, z) = y + (v - w) * (z - y) / (x - w)[br][br]f(x, y) = sin(x + 2 * pi/10 * y)[br][br]speed = 1[br]run = Slider(0, 1, 0.01, speed, 180, false, true, false, false)[br]t = 0[br][br]Execute(Zip("SetLineThickness(C"+k+", map(f(t, "+k+"), -1, 1, 1, 26))", k, Ln))[br][br]Execute(Zip("ShowLabel(C"+k+", false)", k, Ln))[br][br]colText = "White"[br]Execute(Zip("SetColor(C"+k+", colText)", k, Ln))[br][br]CenterView(O)[br]SetBackgroundColor( "Black" )[br]ShowAxes(false)[br]ShowGrid(false)[br]StartAnimation(run, true)[br]SetVisibleInView(O, 1, false)[br]SetVisibleInView(run, 1, false)[br][br]#---------------------------------------------------------------[br]# In the slider "run" add the following in the update tab[br]#---------------------------------------------------------------[br]SetValue(t, t+0.1)[br]Execute(Zip("SetLineThickness(C"+k+", map(f(t, "+k+"), -1, 1, 1, 26))", k, Ln))

Information: Check this out!