Jonas Hall (GeoGebra user: [url=][/url])[br][br][br]
Michael Borcherds, [url=][/url][br]Chris Cambré, [url=][/url][br]W.S. Lew, [url=][/url][br]
The Swedish GeoGebra Institute was founded in 2010 with the express intent of furthering the use of GeoGebra in Swedish Schools. It runs the Swedish Help Forum as a Facebook group: "GeoGebrasupport på svenska": [url=][/url]. [br][br]Thomas Lingefjärd and Jonas Hall has produced the book [br]"Handbok för matematisk modellering med GeoGebra" [url=ör+matematisk+modellering+med+GeoGebra]ör+matematisk+modellering+med+GeoGebra[/url], translated and adapted to English as [br]"Mathematical Modeling: Applications with GeoGebra": [url=][/url]. [br][br]The website of the Swedish GeoGebra Institute is at [url=][/url]