Contact Information for GeoGebra Builders' Handbook

Main Author
Jonas Hall (GeoGebra user: [url=][/url])[br][br][br]
Current Authors who conTribute (CAT's)
Michael Borcherds, [url=][/url][br]Chris Cambré, [url=][/url][br]W.S. Lew, [url=][/url][br]
Swedish GeoGebra Institute
The Swedish GeoGebra Institute was founded in 2010 with the express intent of furthering the use of GeoGebra in Swedish Schools. It runs the Swedish Help Forum as a Facebook group: "GeoGebrasupport på svenska": [url=][/url]. [br][br]Thomas Lingefjärd and Jonas Hall has produced the book [br]"Handbok för matematisk modellering med GeoGebra" [url=ör+matematisk+modellering+med+GeoGebra]ör+matematisk+modellering+med+GeoGebra[/url], translated and adapted to English as [br]"Mathematical Modeling: Applications with GeoGebra": [url=][/url]. [br][br]The website of the Swedish GeoGebra Institute is at [url=][/url]

Information: Contact Information for GeoGebra Builders' Handbook