Locating an Earthquake’s Epicenter Using Circles

Go to the California map. The epicenter is located 160km from Bakersfield, 350 km from Phoenix and 500 km from Provo. What state is the epicenter located in?
Go to the California map. The epicenter is located 500 km from Fresno, 350 km from Elko and 340 km from Sacramento. What state is the epicenter located in?
Go to the Japan map. The epicenter of the earthquake is located at Sendai. It was 380 km from Kushiro and 190 km from Tokyo. How many km is the epicenter from Kobe?
Go to the Japan map. The epicenter of the earthquake is located at Sendai. It was 380 km from Kushiro and 190 km from Tokyo. How many km is the epicenter from Kobe?
Go to the Mexico map. An earthquake's epicenter was 160 km from Chihuahua, 260 km from Tampico and 330 km from LaPaz. Would Laredo have felt the earthquake?
Go to the Mexico map. An earthquake's epicenter was 340 km from Mexico City, 100 km from Monterrey and 330 km from Culiacan. Which country was the epicenter located in?

Information: Locating an Earthquake’s Epicenter Using Circles