Graph of Linear function (Effect of m and c)

Graph of Linear function
Move the slider[i] ONE AT A TIME. [/i]Do not move slider "c" when moving slider "m" or vice versa.
Question 1
What happen to the graph when the slider [i][b]m[/b][/i] is set to zero?[br][br][br]
Question 2
What happen to the graph when you move the slider [b][i]m[/i][/b] to the right of[br]zero?[br][br][br]
Question 3
What happen to the graph when you move the slider [i][b]m[/b][/i] to the left of[br]zero?[br][br][br]
[b]Before moving to Questions 4-6, please move the slider m to its original position (m should be at 1)[/b]
Question 4
What happen to the graph when the slider [i][b]c[/b][/i] is set to zero?[br][br][br]
Question 5
What happen to the graph when you move the slider [i][b]c[/b][/i] to the right of zero?
Question 6
What happen to the graph when you move the slider [b][i]c[/i][/b] to the left of[br]zero?[br][br][br]

Information: Graph of Linear function (Effect of m and c)