Copy of 1 Radian: Clear Definition

[color=#c51414]One unit of ANGLE or ARC MEASURE which you're probably familiar with is that of a "degree." One degree is 1/360th of a full revolution, right? [/color][br][color=#0a971e]Another unit of ANGLE or ARC MEASURE is a "revolution". 1 revolution = 360 degrees, right? [/color][br][br][color=#1551b5]Well, there is ANOTHER unit of ANGLE or ARC MEASURE with which you'll soon become familiar. [/color] [br][color=#1551b5]This new unit of ANGLE or ARC MEASURE is called a [b]RADIAN[/b]. [/color] [br][br][i][color=#b20ea8]Interact with the applet below for a few minutes. [br]Reset it a few times and start the animation again each time.[br]Be sure to change the circle's radius as you go along. [br][br][b][color=#1551b5]After interacting with this applet, answer the question that appears immediately below it.[/color][/b][/color] [/i]
Again, recall that a "degree", a "revolution", and a "radian" are all units of ARC MEASURE (i.e. AMOUNT OF SPIN). [br][br][color=#c51414][b]Complete the following sentence definition:[/b][/color] [br][br][b][color=#1551b5]Definition: 1 RADIAN is defined to be a unit of ARC MEASURE for which.....[/color][/b]

Angles in Standard Position

The angle drawn below in the coordinate plane is classified as being drawn in [b]STANDARD POSITION. [br][br][/b]Interact with the applet for a minute.[br]Then answer the question that follows.
What does it mean for an angle drawn in the coordinate plane to be drawn in [b]STANDARD POSITION? [br][br][/b](Your definition should list 2 criteria.)

Right Triangle Generator for Right Triangle Trigonometry

Math Teachers and Students:
Here, we have a custom tool (far right) that lets you quickly construct a right triangle by simply plotting 2 points and THEN entering the measure of one of its acute interior angles. [br][br][b]Note: [/b][br]If you select the RightTriangle tool (far right), simply plot 2 points. Then, enter in the measure of any acute angle. (You can also, if you choose, enter [math]\alpha[/math] = name of slider) if you wish to quickly change the size of this acute angle.
Quick (Silent) Demo: How to Use

Sine and Cosecant Functions (Special Property)

Suppose [math]\theta[/math] is an angle drawn in standard position. [color=#666666][b]Let [i]P[/i]([i]x[/i], [i]y[/i]) be any point in the coordinate plane[/b][/color] and let[color=#666666][b] [i]r[/i] = the distance from [i]P[/i] to the origin[/b][/color]. [br][br]Recall [math]sin\left(\theta\right)=\frac{y}{r}[/math] and [math]csc\left(\theta\right)=\frac{r}{y}[/math]. [br][br]Interact with the applet below for a minute or two. Then answer the questions that follow. [br][color=#666666][b](Be sure to move point [i]P[/i] to various locations!) [/b][/color][br][br]
Regardless of where [i][color=#666666][b]P[/b][/color][/i] lies, what is the relationship between the values of the ratios [math]sin\left(-\theta\right)[/math] and [math]sin\left(\theta\right)[/math]?
Regardless of where [i][color=#666666][b]P[/b][/color][/i] lies, what is the relationship between the values of the ratios [math]csc\left(-\theta\right)[/math] and [math]csc\left(\theta\right)[/math]?
What do these 2 observations imply about the sine and cosecant functions? (Click [url=]here[/url] and/or [url=]here[/url] for a hint!)

Unit Circle to Sine and Cosine Functions

Creation of this resource was inspired by [url=]this resource[/url] and [url=]this resource[/url] created by [url=]Anthony Or[/url]. [br][br]Slide the [math]\theta[/math] slider first. Explore!

Inverse Relations: Graphs

[color=#000000]Recall that, for any relation, the graph of this relation's inverse can be formed by reflecting the graph of this relation about the line y = x. [br][br]Recall that all functions are relations, but not all relations are functions. [br]Again, what causes a relation to be a function? Explain. [br][br]In the applet below, you can input any function [i]f[/i] and restrict its natural domain, if you choose, to input (x) values between -10 and 10. You also have the option to graph the function over its natural domain. [br][br]Interact with this applet for a few minutes, then complete the activity questions that follow. [/color]
[color=#000000][b]Directions: [/b][br][br]1) Choose the [b]"Default to Natural Domain of f"[/b] option. [br]2) Enter in the [/color][color=#980000][b]original function[/b][/color][math]f\left(x\right)=0.2x^2[/math][color=#000000]. [br]3) Choose [/color][color=#38761d][b]"Show Inverse Relation"[/b]. [/color][br][color=#000000]4) Is the [/color][color=#38761d][b]graph of this inverse relation[/b][/color][color=#000000] the graph of a function? Explain why or why not. [br]5) If your answer to (4) above was "no", uncheck the [b]"Default to Natural Domain of f"[/b] checkbox. [br]6) Now, can you come up with a set of Xmin and Xmax values so that the function shown has an inverse [br] that is a function? Explain. [br][br]At any point in this investigation, do the following:[br][br]Use the [b]Point On Object[/b] tool to plot a point on the original function.[br]Then, use the [b]Reflect About Line[/b] tool to reflect this point about the line y = x. [br]What do you notice about the coordinates of this point's reflection? Where does this point lie? [br][br]Repeat steps (1) - (6) again, this time for different functions [i]f[/i] provided to you by your instructor. [/color]

Ferris Wheel (1): Modeling with Trigonometric Functions

This applet graphs the height of an person riding a Ferris Wheel vs. time. [br]Use this applet as a resource to check solutions to problems involving this context. [br][br][b]There are many parameters you can adjust here: [/b][br][br]Period[br]Number of Revs to Complete[br][color=#980000]Height of Lowest Car[/color][br]Diameter of Wheel[br][br]You can also manually enter the [b][color=#ff0000][i]x[/i]-coordinate of the red point[/color][/b] and/or the [b][color=#9900ff][i]y[/i]-coordinate of the purple point.[/color][/b] (These points are also moveable.) [br]
Quick Demo. (BGM: Simeon Smith)

New Trig IDs From Similar Right Triangles

Recall the definitions of the 6 trigonometric functions defined at an angle drawn in standard position within the coordinate plane. (These ratios were defined in terms of [i]x[/i], [i]y, [/i]& [i]r[/i]). [br][br]Interact with this diagram for a minute or two. (The 2 LARGE POINTS are moveable). [br]Then, answer the question prompts that follow.
Explain why each segment IS what it is. (Some are much easier than others). [br][br]For example, how do we know the [b][color=#9900ff]purple segment has a length = to the tangent of[/color][/b] [math]\theta[/math]?
How many pairs of similar triangles do you see here? How do we know these triangles you reference are all similar to each other?
You have previously learned that similar triangles have corresponding sides that are in proportion. That is, ratios of corresponding sides of similar triangles are all equal in value. [br][br][i]Given this fact, try to author other trig identities from this picture.[/i] You can type them in the space below. Or, even better, feel free to type or use the digital pen to write them in the app below this space. [br]
Write some new trig identities here!
Write some new trig identities here! Use this space if you run out of room above.

Sine & Cosine of a Sum: Discovery

[color=#000000]There are 8 expressions shown off to the right.  [/color]Your job is to carefully drag each expression (label) next to the segment (in the figure) whose length is given by this expression.  [br][br]After doing so, please answer the 2 questions that follow.
Given what you see in your diagram, write an equivalent expression for [math]\sin\left(\alpha+\beta\right)[/math].
Given what you see in your diagram, write an equivalent expression for [math]\cos\left(\alpha+\beta\right)[/math].

Functions Resources

[list][*][b][url=]Interpreting Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Building Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential Functions[/url][/b][/*][*][b][url=]Trigonometric Functions[/url][/b][/*][/list]
Half-life function: Quick Exploration. (Large point & slider moveable.)
What does it mean for a function to be odd? (Points moveable.)
