[b]Teacher Guide [/b][br][b]Grade Level:[/b] 6th Grade[br][b]Objective:[/b] [br][b]M. [/b]Students will be able to multiply fractions.[br][br][size=150][b] Activity Instructions: [br][/b][/size][br] This activity is a about creating two fractions whose multiplying is equal to the given model. In the activity , By creating new fractions, students can understand how to multiply fractions by using modeling. [br] [br] [b][size=150] How teachers can implement this activity in their lessons?[br][/size][/b][br] Teachers can implement that activity at middle of the chapter, this is useful while teaching fraction subject.With this activity, students can be sure that whether they understand how to show fraction in model.Moreover, fractions models are helpful by calculating fractions numbers.[br][br] The student changes the value of the fractions by changing the sliders and sees how it looks on the model. The student understands the function of the numerator and denominator with the help of the model. He sees how the two given fraction values are multiplied on the new fraction model. After understanding the subject, he/she moves to the activity section. He/she calculate and write the value in answer box if his answer is true.,he/she sees signal, which is that your answer is correct ,if answer is false, he/she sees, your answer is wrong.[br][br] If the student can't find the answer, he can use the hint box. When he clicks on the hint box, this box shows how it was solved and the correct answer. The activity enables the student to understand multiplication in fractions and helps them practice with the given activity. Each time the create new problem box is pressed, new number values and fractions are given .[br][br][b][size=150] How teachers can implement this activity in their lessons?[br][/size][/b][br] Teachers can implement that activity at middle of the chapter, this is useful while teaching fraction subject.With this activity, students can be sure that whether they understand how to show fraction in model.Moreover, fractions models are helpful by calculating fractions numbers.