[list=1][*]Start with creating a slider whose interval is between 1 to 50 and increment is 1.[/*][*]Go to "Steps" menu and create an input b=RandomBetween(1,50)[/*][*]Create a second input a=RandomBetween(0,b-1).[/*][*]Form the third input as Fraction=a/b.[/*][*]Drag this input with right click and drop on the main page.[/*][*]Form a text box(text2) named as "Response".[/*][*]Create a button whose caption is "Change Fraction".[/*][*]Create another 3 buttons named as "Close to zero", "Close to half" and "Close to whole".[/*][*]Go to the settings of the "Change Fraction" button with right click on it.[/*][*]In settings, firstly go to "scripting" and then "on click". Write b=RandomBetween(1,50)[/*][/list] SetColor(button2,gray) SetColor(button3,gray) Setcolor(button4,gray)[br] [br] 11. Right click on the "Close to zero" button, go to settings>scripting>on click. Write [br]If(0<=Fraction<=0.24, SetValue(text2,"That's True!"))[br]If(Fraction>0.24,SetValue(text2,"No"))[br]If(0<=Fraction<=0.24, SetColor(button2,green))[br]If(Fraction>0.24, SetColor(button2,red))[br][br] 12. Right click on the "Close to half" button, go to settings>scripting>on click. Write If(0.25<=Fraction<=0.74, SetValue(text2,"Great :)"))[br]If(Fraction>0.74 ,SetValue(text2,"Try Again :("))[br]If(Fraction<0.24 ,SetValue(text2,"Think Again"))[br]If(0.25<=Fraction<=0.74, SetColor(button3,green))[br]If(Fraction>0.74,SetColor(button3,red))[br]If(Fraction<0.24,SetColor(button3,red))[br] [br] 13. Right click on the "Close to whole" button, go to settings>scripting>on click. Write If(0.75<=Fraction<=1, SetValue(text2,"Congratulations! .)"))[br]If(Fraction<0.74,SetValue(text2,"Sorry"))[br]If(0.75<=Fraction<=1, SetColor(button4,green))[br]If(Fraction<0.74,SetColor(button4,red))[br] [br] 14. Go to the settings of the "Change Fraction" with right click on it. Go to settings>scripting>on click and add SetValue(text2," ")[br] 15. Now, you can improve design of your tool to make it visually attractive if you want :)[br]