Even & Odd Functions - II

An even function is one that is symmetric about the y axis. Such functions have the property that f(x) = f(-x). [br][br]An odd function is one that is symmetric with respect to rotation by 180 degrees around the origin. Odd functions have the property that f(x) = - f(-x). [br][br]In this applet you can explore this behavior for a function of one variable [i][b]f(x)[/b][/i] that depends on two parameters [i][b]a[/b][/i] and [i][b]b[/b][/i]. Your function can be written as [i][b]f(x) = f[sub]e[/sub](x) + f[sub]o[/sub](x).[/b][/i] The applet will display the even and odd functions that can be combined to make your function. [br][br]Challenge – Given a function, how can you determine the even and odd functions that combine to make that function? Is this combination unique? How do you know?[br][br][b][i][color=#ff0000]What problems could/would you set for your students based on this applet?[/color][/i][/b]

Information: Even & Odd Functions - II