Click and drag the angle α to any value between 0° and 90°. Then click and drag b and b' to make any 2 right-triangles you want with angle α.[br]Look at first triangle: Divide the length of the side opposite the angle α by the length adjacent to the angle α. Write this number down.[br]Look at the second triangle and again divide the lenth of the side opposite the angle α by the length adjacent to the angle α. It should be the same number![br]This is the value of tan(α).
Pick an angle α and find the tan(α) on this worksheet. Use the Move drawing pad tool to get an empty space on the worksheet. Then draw 2 points anywhere - not even on the same horizontal (but not too far apart ). Use these 2 points to draw a right-triangle with angle α . Divide the length of the side opposite the angle α by the length of the side adjacent to α . You should get tan(α).