Segment Bisector Construction

Two Circles, One Segment
On the diagram below, create two circles. One will have a center at point A and the second will have a center at point B. Adjust the circles so they overlap.
Connecting the Circles
Now add a segment that connects from the top intersection of the circles to the bottom intersection of the circles. Change the sizes of the circles and watch what happens to that segment you just drew. You can also move Points A and B around and see what happens to the new segment.
Question 1
No matter how you move any of the points, the new segment will always be ____________ to the original segment.
Question 2
What if you wanted to make the new segment cut the original segment exactly in half? What would you do with the two circles to make that happen?
Try it
Adjust your circles as you described in Question 2 and see if you're right!

Information: Segment Bisector Construction