Construct Equilateral Triangle Inscribed in a Circle

Follow these steps to construct an equilateral triangle inscribed in a circle.
1) Using the POINT TOOL & SEGMENT TOOL, label point C on circle A to create diameter CB. [br]2) Using the COMPASS TOOL, create a circle with radius AB and center point B[br]3) Using the POINT TOOL, mark points D and F where circle A intersects circle B. [br]4) Using the SEGMENT TOOL, draw a segment from point D to point F.[br]5) Using the SEGMENT TOOL, draw a segment from point D to point C. [br][br][i]RESULT: Equilateral triangle DCF inscribed in circle A.[/i]
Construct Equilateral Triangle Inscribed in a Circle

Information: Construct Equilateral Triangle Inscribed in a Circle