Real Number Classification - Introduction

Review what you know about whole numbers, integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers that form the real number system by watching the video (8 min) below.
Rational and Irrational Numbers Exploration
[size=150]If you need to explore and visualize the rational numbers and irrational numbers and check whether they are terminating, non terminating and recurring or non recurring, use the interactive resource at [url=][/url] .[/size]
Try this exercise to classify numbers in the second step
Real Number Systems (Descriptions/definition of terms) by AB Cron
Other Links to related resources on Rational and Irrational Numbers
[br]Ordering Irrational Numbers on the Number Line[br][url=][/url][br][br]Ordering Rational and Irrational Numbers (Number Sense)[br][url=][br][/url][br][br]Real Mastermind (Practice ordering numbers including irrational numbers, decimals, fractions, percentages[br][url=][/url]

Information: Real Number Classification - Introduction