IM 7.4.16 Lesson: Posing Percentage Problems

Your teacher will give you a variety of newspaper clippings that include percentages.
Sort the clippings into two piles: those that are about increases and those that are about decreases.[br][br]Were there any clippings that you had trouble deciding which pile they should go in? Explain.
In the previous activity, you sorted news clippings into two piles. From the first pile (increase examples), draw a diagram that shows how percentages are being used to describe the situation. Increase Example:
For your example above, write [b][i]two [/i][/b]questions that you can answer with the given information.
Answer [b][i]each [/i][/b]of the questions you came up with. [i]Explain[/i] your reasoning.
In the previous activity, you sorted news clippings into two piles. From the second pile (decrease examples), draw a diagram that shows how percentages are being used to describe the situation. Decrease Example:
For your example above, write [b][i]two [/i][/b]questions that you can answer with the given information.
Answer [b][i]each [/i][/b]of the questions you came up with. [i]Explain[/i] your reasoning.
Choose the example that you find the most interesting. Create a visual display that includes:
[list][*]a title that describes the situation[/*][*]the news clipping[/*][*]your diagram of the situation[/*][*]the two questions you asked about the situation[/*][*]the answers to each of your questions[/*][*]an explanation of how you calculated each answer[/*][/list]
Examine each display your classmates created. Write one comment and one question for the group.
Next, read the comments and questions your classmates wrote for your group. Revise your display above using the feedback from your classmates.
