
Explore the Assessment Item
为了与LTI系统兼容,您的GeoGebra评估项目应包含以下4个布尔变量:[br][table][tr][td][i]validate[/i][/td][td]If this variable is set to [i]true[/i], the applet will give feedback to let students know if the given answers are correct. If the answer is wrong a hint can be shown (optional).[br][/td][/tr][tr][td][i]showanswer[/i][/td][td]If this variable is set to [i]true[/i], the answer to the question or task of the applet is shown. [br]Note: depending on the type of question more than one answer may be possible.[br][/td][/tr][tr][td][i]showsolution[/i][/td][td]If this variable is set to [i]true[/i], the complete solution to the question or a possible way to solve the task is shown.[br][/td][/tr][tr][td][i]correct[/i][/td][td]This variable should only turn [i]true[/i], when the question of the applet is answered correctly. This can be just one answer, but it can also consist of different partial answers. [br][/td][/tr][/table][b]提示:[/b]创建设置为false的变量(例如:在输入栏中输入validate=false)。稍后,您仍然可以编辑正确的变量,以评估任务是否已成功解决。[br]在使用小程序时,您可能希望显示布尔变量validate、showanswer和showsolution的复选框,以便您可以轻松切换它们的状态以测试逻辑。
如果您的评估项目包含多个输入,我们建议每个输入使用一个布尔变量,例如correctA、correctB、correct C。最后的布尔校正将是正确的=correctA且correctB且correctC。
Partial Credit
如果评估项目包含多个输入,例如多个部分,您可能需要考虑部分学分。除了在true和false之间切换变量correct之外,correct也可以是介于0和1之间的数字。我们建议按如下方式计算correct:[br]allCorrect={correctA,correctB,correct C}[br]maxscore=长度(全部正确)[br]correct=总和(全部正确)/最大得分
[b]小程序大小[br]为了便于在不同屏幕上使用,小程序大小不应太大或太小。[br][/b]我们建议大小为800 x 500。上传小程序时可以设置。[b][br]字体大小[br][/b]轴标签和文本的大小由常规字体大小设置。这可以在应用程序的常规设置中完成。建议的字体大小在16pt和20pt之间,因为它不会太小而无法阅读,也不会太大而无法为其他元素占用太多空间。[b][br]布局[br][/b]将说明文本与图形和几何结构分开,以保持对所有元素的概述,例如使用图形和图形2。您可以将图形和几何构造放在一边,将文本放在另一边。[b][br]注意:[/b]如果在图形视图中使用轴,请添加标签。打开“图形设置”并设置每个轴的标签(例如$\textsf{x}$表示LaTeX样式和无衬线字体)。也可以使用图形视图的样式栏选择合适的栅格并将点固定到栅格。[b][br][/b]
按照下面的说明学习如何创建一个评估项目,以便将一个点定位到给定的坐标上。[br][br][table][tr][td]1.[/td][td][br][/td][td]Randomize your question by using random numbers. Create the coordinates of a point by using the commands [i]xA = RandomBetween(-8, 8)[/i] and [i]yA = RandomBetween(-8, 8)[/i].[br][/td][/tr][tr][td]2.[/td][td][/td][td]Then create a point by typing [i]Acorrect = (xA, yA)[/i] into the Input Bar. The point is displayed in the [img width=16,height=16]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/c/c8/Menu_view_graphics.svg/16px-Menu_view_graphics.svg.png[/img] [i]Graphics View[/i].[br][/td][/tr][tr][td]3.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png[/icon][/td][td]Use the [i]Text[/i] tool and click inside the[i] [img width=16,height=16]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/b/bf/Menu_view_graphics2.svg/16px-Menu_view_graphics2.svg.png[/img] Graphics 2 View. [/i]Enter the instruction text for the task [i]\textsf{Position the point \(A\) at\\the coordinates \(Acorrect \).}[/i] using LaTeX formula and select [i]Acorrect[/i] from the [i]Objects[/i] to display the coordinates of the demanded point at the right place.[/td][/tr][tr][td]4.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_point.png[/icon][/td][td]Create a new point [i]A[/i] using the [i]Point[/i] tool and clicking inside the [i][img width=16,height=16]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/c/c8/Menu_view_graphics.svg/16px-Menu_view_graphics.svg.png[/img] Graphics View[/i]. According to the task, this point should be positioned at the specified coordinates.[/td][/tr][tr][td]5.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_move.png[/icon][/td][td]Open the [i]General Settings, [/i]select tab [i]Grid[/i] and set [i]Point Capturing[/i] to [i]Fixed to Grid. [/i]Now point [i]A[/i] will only be movable along the grid. Change the color to black, set the point size to 9 and change the caption of point [i]A[/i] to [i]$\textsf{A}$ [/i]in the settings of [i]A[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td][i][/i][i][/i][i][/i]6.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_buttonaction.png[/icon][br][/td][td]Create a button for updating the construction by using the [i]Button[/i] tool. Enter [i]$\textsf{new}$[/i] for [i]Caption[/i] and [i]UpdateConstruction[ ] [/i]into the first line of the [i]GeoGebra Script[/i]. Confirm by pressing [i]OK[/i].[br][b]Note:[/b] When pressing the button, the random coordinates of [i]Acorrect[/i] are updated and a new problem is displayed in the instruction text. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to get a new problem (e.g.: Windows F9).[/td][/tr][tr][td]7.[/td][td][/td][td]Check if the coordinates of [i]A [/i]are equal to [i]Acorrect [/i]by changing the boolean variable [i]correct[/i] to [i]correct = (A == Acorrect). [/i]The boolean variable [i]correct [/i]will now only be true if [i]A [/i]is positioned to the right place.[br][/td][/tr][tr][td]8.[/td][td][/td][td]Another option would be to check both x-coordinate and y-coordinate of point [i]A[/i], for a better feedback. Create two boolean variables [i]c1 [/i]and [i]c2 [/i]with:[i] [br]c1 = xA == x(A)[br]c2 = yA == y(A)[br][/i]Define [i]correct[/i] as [i]correct = c1 && c2[/i]. The boolean variable [i]correct [/i]will only be true if [i]A [/i]is positioned to the right coordinate.[i][/i][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]
按照下面的说明创建文本对象,以在检查学生答案时给出一定的反馈。[br][br][table][tr][td]9.[/td][td][/td][td]To get general feedback about the correctness of the answer enter [i]plaintextCorrect = If(correct, "Correct!", "Incorrect.") [/i]into the [i]Input Bar[/i].[i] [/i][/td][/tr][tr][td]10.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png[/icon][/td][td]This object can be embedded into a text object so that it is written in LaTeX and made bigger than the rest of the text. Use the [i]Text[/i] tool in the [img width=16,height=16]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/b/bf/Menu_view_graphics2.svg/16px-Menu_view_graphics2.svg.png[/img] [i]Graphics 2 View[/i], enter [i]\textsf{\large{plaintextCorrect}} [/i]in the dialog window and select [i]plaintextCorrect[/i] from the [i]Objects[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]11.[/td][td][/td][td]As the text should only be displayed when the student's answer is validated, open the settings of the text object, select tab [i]Advanced [/i]and enter [i]validate [/i]for [i]Condition to Show Object[/i].[br][b]Note[/b]: Now the text is only displayed when [i]validate[/i] is true.[/td][/tr][tr][td]12.[/td][td][icon]https://www.geogebra.org/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png[/icon][/td][td]To give extra feedback about the x- and y-coordinates, create a feedback text using a check or a cross to keep it simple. Enter [i]checkX = If(c1, "✔", "✘") [/i]into the [i]Input Bar[/i]. Create a LaTeX text using the [i]Text[/i] tool in the [img width=16,height=16]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/b/bf/Menu_view_graphics2.svg/16px-Menu_view_graphics2.svg.png[/img] [i]Graphics 2 View[/i], entering [i]\textsf{x-coordinate\quad\large\bold{checkX}}[/i] in the dialog window and selecting [i]checkX[/i] from the [i]Objects[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]13.[/td][td][icon]https://www.geogebra.org/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png[/icon][/td][td]Repeat step 12 with [i]checkY = If(c2, "✔", "✘") [/i]and LaTeX text [i]\textsf{y-coordinate\quad\large\bold{checkY}} [/i]with object [i]checkY. [/i]Change the settings for both LaTeX texts and enter [i]validate && !showanswer && !showsolution [/i]for C[i]ondition to Show Object[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]14.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png[/icon][/td][td]Create a hint text in the [img width=16,height=16]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/b/bf/Menu_view_graphics2.svg/16px-Menu_view_graphics2.svg.png[/img] [i]Graphics 2 View[/i] using the [i]Text [/i]tool and enter [i]\textsf{Coordinate style: \((x, y)\)} [/i]using LaTeX formula. As this hint should only be displayed when the student's answer is validated and not correct, open the settings of the text object, select tab [i]Advanced [/i]and enter [i]validate && !correct [i]&& !showanswer && !showsolution[/i] [/i]for [i]Condition to Show Object[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]15.[/td][td][icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_text.png[/icon][/td][td]Create a solution text in the [img width=16,height=16]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/b/bf/Menu_view_graphics2.svg/16px-Menu_view_graphics2.svg.png[/img] [i]Graphics 2 View[/i] using the [i]Text [/i]tool. Enter [i]\textsf{x-coordinate: \( xA\)\\\\[i]\textsf{y-coordinate: \( yA\)[/i]} [/i]as LaTeX formula and select [i]xA [/i]and [i]yA [/i]from the [i]Objects [/i]to display the right x- and y-coordinates of the point at the right place.[/td][/tr][tr][td]16.[/td][td][/td][td]As this solution text should only be displayed when showsolution is true, open the settings of the solution text, select tab [i]Advanced [/i]and enter [i]showsolution [/i]for [i]Condition to Show Object[/i].[/td][/tr][tr][td]17.[/td][td][/td][td]Right-click (MacOS: Ctrl-click) on the point [i]Acorrect[/i] and deselect [i]Show Label. [/i]Open the settings of [i]Acorrect[/i], change the point size to 9 and enter [i]showanswer [/i]for [i]Condition to Show Object[/i] on tab [i]Advanced.[br][/i][b]Note: [/b]Now [i]Acorrect[/i] (the answer to the task) is only displayed when [i]showanswer[/i] is true. You may also change the [i]Layer[/i] of [i]Acorrect [/i]to 1 on tab [i]Advanced [/i]so point [i]A [/i]cannot hide the correct answer.[/td][/tr][tr][td][i][/i][i][/i][i][/i][i][/i][i][/i][i][/i][br][/td][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]
[table][tr][td]dynamic color for texts/objects[/td][td]Change the colors of your feedback texts. Make the solution text blue and change the color of [i]Acorrect[/i] to blue as well. Change the color of the hint text to orange.[br]For the feedback text telling if the answer is correct or incorrect open the settings of the texts and set the color on tab [i]Advanced [/i]to use [i]Dynamic Colors [/i]as follows: [br][i]Red: If(correct, 21/255, 204/255) - Green: [i]If(correct, 101/255, 102/255)[/i] - Blue: If(correct, 192/255, 0)[/i][br]Add dynamic colors in the same way for the x- and y-coordinate feedback texts using the boolean variables [i]c1[/i] and [i]c2 [/i]as conditions.[i][/i][br][/td][/tr][tr][td][i][/i][i][/i]Fix objects[br]Absolute position on screen[/td][td]Position your texts in the [img width=16,height=16]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/b/bf/Menu_view_graphics2.svg/16px-Menu_view_graphics2.svg.png[/img] [i]Graphics 2 View[/i]. Right-click (MacOS: Ctrl-click) on each text and select [i]Fix Object [/i]and [i]Absolute Position on Screen [/i]when done, so they cannot be moved by accident. [br][/td][/tr][tr][td]Allow/forbid selection[/td][td]There are objects that should not be selectable by the user - for example the axes or point [i]Acorrect[/i]. Open the settings of these objects and uncheck [i]Selection Allowed[/i] on tab [i]Advanced[/i]. Hide objects that were only needed to create your item but shouldn't be shown in your applet (e.g.: [i]plaintextCorrect[/i]).[/td][/tr][tr][td]Naming of selectable objects[/td][td]For accessibility reasons it should be possible to reach all selectable objects in a sensible order by pressing the tabulator key. This can be ensured by renaming the selectable objects alphabetically in the order they should be tabbed (e.g.: [i]a1, ..., a9, b1, ..., b9, etc.[/i]).[br][b]Note: [/b]Don't forget to change the name of point [i]A [/i]as well (e.g.: to [i]a2[/i]). [i][/i][br][/td][/tr][tr][td][i][/i]Hide Algebra View[/td][td]Close the [img width=16,height=16]https://wiki.geogebra.org/uploads/thumb/4/40/Menu_view_algebra.svg/16px-Menu_view_algebra.svg.png[/img] [i]Algebra View [/i]by unchecking it in the [i]View [/i]menu.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Upload item[br][/td][td]Upload your file to your GeoGebra account. Edit the size of your applet (e.g.: [i]Width: 800,[/i] [i]Height: 500[/i]) in the [i]Advanced Settings[/i]. Change the layout of your item, so everything is shown properly. Click [i]Done [/i]and [i]Save & Close[/i] to finish uploading the item to your account.[/td][/tr][tr][td]Test item[/td][td]Review your uploaded item and test all different cases for validation, showing the answer and the solution by (un)checking the checkboxes.[/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][tr][td][/td][td][/td][/tr][/table]

Information: 如何创建评估项目