Medians of a Triangle Portfolio

Watch the videos for using the Geogbra Tools needed to complete this activity.
Video Directions for Part 1
Part 1 Steps
[br]1. Use the polygon tool to draw a triangle. Dont forget to enclose the triangle.[br]2. Use the midpoint/center tool to determine the midpoint for all 3 sides of your triangle[br]3. Using the segment tool draw all 3 of your triangles medians[br]4. Use the point tool to place a point at the intersection of the medians, the centroid.[br]5. Pick one of your drawn medians. Use the measuring tool to measure the whole median you selected.[br]6. Use the measure tool to determine the measure of both pieces of your selected median.
Part 1 Question 1
What do you notice about the relationship between the median measurement and the measurement of the two pieces?[br]
Part 1 Question 2
What do you notice about the relationship between the measurements of the two pieces of the median?
Video Directions Part 2
Part 2 Steps
1. Using the polygon tool draw a triangle. Dont forget to enclose the triangle.[br]2. Use the midpoint/center tool to determine the midpoint for all 3 sides of your triangle[br]3. Using the segment tool draw all 3 of your triangles medians.[br]4. Use the point tool to place a point at the intersection of the medians, the centroid.[br]5. Use the polygon tool to draw the 6 newly formed triangles.[br]6. Use the area tool and click on each of those 6 newly formed triangles to show their areas.
Part 2 Question 1
What do you notice about the areas of the 6 new triangles?
Part 2 Question 2
How can you determine the measurement of the whole triangle without using the measuring tool?
Video Directions Part 3
Part 3
Search the internet or around your home for something you would like to find its center of gravity. I used the example of a Formula 1 Race car. You can use anything that is remotely triangular-shaped for this activity. It can be real, like a person standing with their feet wider than shoulder-width apart, a tent, a pyramid, a slice of pizza(or similar), or imaginary, like a spaceship from Star Wars, or the triangle Angry Bird. In reality, determining the 3D object's center of gravity/mass would be more complex but this will serve our purpose. [br][br]1. Take a picture or use one found online to upload it in the applet below. [br]2. Adjust the opacity as needed to see your triangle over the top of the picture. [br]3. Using the polygon tool draw a triangle[br]4. Use the midpoint/center tool to determine the midpoint for all 3 sides of your triangle[br]5. Using the segment tool draw all 3 of your triangle medians and determine the object's center of gravity. [br]6. Use the point tool to plot a point at the median's intersection, centroid, aka center of gravity.

Information: Medians of a Triangle Portfolio