IM 8.1.6 Lesson: Describing Transformations

Andre performs a 90-degree counterclockwise rotation of Polygon P and gets Polygon P’, but he does not say what the center of the rotation is. Can you find the center?
Your teacher will give you either a [i]problem card[/i] or a [i]data card[/i]. Do not show or read your card to your partner.[br][br][table][tr][td]If your teacher gives you the [i]problem card[/i]:[/td][td]If your teacher gives you the [i]data card[/i]:[/td][/tr][tr][td][list=1][*]Silently read your card and think about what [/*][*]information you need to be able to answer the [br]question.[/*][*]Ask your partner for the specific information that [br]you need.[/*][*]Explain how you are using the information to [br]solve the problem.Continue to ask questions until you have enough [br]information to solve the problem.[/*][*]Share the [i]problem card [/i]and solve the problem[br]independently.[/*][*]Read the [i]data card[/i] and discuss your reasoning.[/*][/list][/td][td][list=1][*]Silently read your card.[/*][*]Ask your partner [i]“What specific information do you [br]need?”[/i] and wait for them to [i]ask[/i] for information.[br]If your partner asks for information that is not on [br]the card, do not do the calculations for them. Tell [br]them you don’t have that information.[/*][*]Before sharing the information, ask “[i]Why do you [br]need that information?[/i]” Listen to your partner’s [br]reasoning and ask clarifying questions.[/*][*]Read the [i]problem card[/i] and solve the problem independently.[/*][*]Share the [i]data card[/i] and discuss your reasoning.[/*][/list][/td][/tr][/table][br]Pause here so your teacher can review your work. Ask your teacher for a new set of cards and repeat the activity, trading roles with your partner.[br] [br]After finishing this activity, what type of information did you need to solve the problem?
Sometimes two transformations, one performed after the other, have a nice description as a single transformation. For example, instead of translating 2 units up followed by translating 3 units up, we could simply translate 5 units up. Instead of rotating 20 degrees counterclockwise around the origin followed by rotating 80 degrees clockwise around the origin, we could simply rotate 60 degrees clockwise around the origin. [br][br]Can you find a simple description of reflecting across the x-axis followed by reflecting across the y-axis?

Information: IM 8.1.6 Lesson: Describing Transformations