Fraction Relationships with Visual Models

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Simplifying Fractions Concept مفهوم تبسيط الكسور

Simplifying Fractions Concept مفهوم تبسيط الكسور

Add Fractions using Area models

Change the value of the numerator and denominator of the fractions. Then, find the solution when you add the fractions. Check your answer by selecting "Check Answer."

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Add and subtract fractions visually.[br]Default is addition. Check the "subtraction" box for subtraction.[br]Slide up/down (on the right) to overlay the circles.[br]Check "Lowest Dommon Denominator" to make the circle compatible.[br]Slide answer for the results (including simplification).

Multiplying fractions

Show me how it works!

Dividing Fractions based on patterns

pattern for dividing fractions

Fraction Between Two Fractions

 In this applet, we model fractions as slopes of line segments. [list=1][*]Form two fractions by dragging the blue points. One fraction is the ratio of the lengths of the red segments. The ratio of the lengths of the green segments is the second fraction.[/*][*]Drag the slider to construct segments with slopes equal to the given fractions. [/*][*]Try the construction with other fractions by dragging the blue points.[/*][/list]What is the relationship between the original fractions and the fraction formed by adding their numerators and the denominators? In other words, how the slope of the blue segment relates to the slopes of the red and the green one?
