Bartlett- Transformations (Revised)

Below you will find a graph with the different types of transformations that we will be exploring. Explore each type of transformation and think about what each one may mean for the original picture. (The image with the LARGE PURPLE points is the original image.)
Explore the translate tool. Move around the large yellow points to see how the image moves. [br][br]After you explore, create a definition for translations.
Explore the rotate tool. Use the purple slider to change the degrees for the rotation of the image.[br][br]After you explore, create a definition for rotations.
Explore the reflection tool. Move around the large yellow points to see how the image moves on the graph.[br][br]After you explore, create a definition for reflections.
Explore the dilation tool. Use the dilation box to find different scale factors for the image.[br][br]After you explore, create a definition for dilations.
What happens if you use a decimal for a scale factor? Why do you think that is?
On the graph below, create a shape and demonstrate one of the four transformations that you discovered above. Then, complete the question below the graph to describe the transformation you performed.
What transformation did you perform? Why did you choose that transformation?

Information: Bartlett- Transformations (Revised)