[size=100][justify]Would you like to:[/justify][list][*]Work closely with the [i]GeoGebra[/i] team and help to improve [i]GeoGebra[/i]?[/*][*]Support your local community by translating [i]GeoGebra[/i] to your language?[/*][*]Create high-quality resources and share them with our community?[/*][/list][br]If so, then the [i]GeoGebra[/i] [i]Contributor[/i] role is just for you![br][/size]
[justify][size=100][/size][/justify][size=100][justify][/justify]As a [i]GeoGebra Contributor[/i], you may do any of the following:[br][list][*][size=100]create high-quality [i]GeoGebra[/i] activities[/size][/*][*][size=100]translate apps / website[/size][/*][*][size=100]beta-test new features[/size][/*][*][size=100]participate in user-experience interviews.[/size][/*][/list][br]Please find more details about suggested [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/yfcvzdxc][i]GeoGebra Contributor[/i] Tasks[/url].[/size]
[size=100][justify]After we have checked your application and you are confirmed as a [i]Contributor[/i], you will receive a [i]GeoGebra Contributor badge[/i] that you may then use as part of your email signature and social media profiles. This title image also contains the current year and can be renewed annually.[/justify][/size]
[justify][size=100][/size][/justify][size=100][justify][/justify][/size][size=100][justify]As a [i]GeoGebra Contributor[/i], you will have the special right to publish [i]GeoGebra[/i] activities which will also then be listed on search engines like Google. These rights are reserved for trusted community members in order to promote high-quality resources just like yours.[/justify][br]Another [i]Contributor[/i] benefit is that you will receive early information about new features. Based on our [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/nmmmzgzn#material/stuyqt7u]point system[/url], we will also feature the work of the most active [i]Contributors[/i] on our Social Media pages and in our newsletter.[/size]
[justify][size=100]Once a year, you will be asked to fill out a short form about your activities. A [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/nmmmzgzn#material/stuyqt7u]point system[/url] will help us determine whether your [i]Contributor[/i] status will be extended. In this case, you will receive a new banner image which shows your [i]Contributor[/i] status for the updated year.[/size][/justify]
[size=150][color=#674ea7][b][left][url=https://share.hsforms.com/1T_vkz3fdRZ6VIzLFcF55hQ5cscs]Renew or Apply now to be a GeoGebra Contributor [/url][/left][/b][/color][/size]