G.GSRT.5 Geometric Mean

What theorem is being dynamically illustrated in the applet below? (Feel free to move the black point or white points anywhere!)
[color=#000000][b]Theorem:[/b][/color][br]The altitude drawn to the hypotenuse of a right triangle splits that right triangle into 2 smaller right triangles that are both similar to the original triangle and similar to each other.[br](Triangles are similar by AA~ Theorem!)
Remembering the geometric mean relationships can be difficult.[br][br][color=#ff0000]Select the check box "Point A." Notice that the 3 segments in this geometric mean relationship intersect at A. The corresponding segments of the similar triangles that create this relationship are highlighted below.[/color][br][br][color=#0000ff]Select the check box "Point B." Notice that the 3 segments in this geometric mean relationship intersect at B. The corresponding segments of the similar triangles that create this relationship are highlighted below.[/color][br][br][color=#6aa84f]Select the check box "Point C." Notice that the 3 segments in this geometric mean relationship intersect at C. The corresponding segments of the similar triangles that create this relationship are highlighted below.[/color]
Question 1
Question 2
Question 3
Question 4
Question 5

Information: G.GSRT.5 Geometric Mean