Creating a Centroid

Introduction to Centroid
In Geometry, the [b]centroid[/b] is an important concept related to a triangle. A triangle is a three-sided bounded figure with three interior angles. Based on the sides and angles, a triangle can be [br]classified into different types such as[br][br][list][*]Scalene triangle[/*][*]Isosceles triangle[/*][*]Equilateral triangle[/*][*]Acute-angled triangle[/*][*]Obtuse-angled triangle[/*][*]Right-angled triangle[/*][/list][br]The centroid is an important property of a triangle. Let us discuss the definition of centroid, formula, properties and centroid for different [url=]geometric shapes[/url] in detail.[br][br]     Centroid Definition[br]The Centroid is the center point of the object. The point in which the three medians of the triangle intersect is known as the [b]centroid of a triangle[/b]. It is also defined as the point of intersection of all the three medians. The median is a line that joins the midpoint of a side and the opposite vertex of the triangle. The centroid of the triangle separates the median in the ratio of 2: 1. It can be found by taking the average [br]of x- coordinate points and y-coordinate points of all the vertices of the triangle.[br][br]References:[br]

Information: Creating a Centroid