Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages

Adjust the "Number of parts" slider based on each question below. Then press on the boxes to show the fraction, decimal, and percentages. Use those representations to answer the question.
Adjust the slider until 36 squares are colored. Select the boxes to reveal the fraction, decimal, and percentage that matches the picture.
Identify the fractions that are equivalent to the fraction you created in the picture. Select all that apply.
Adjust the slider until 50 squares are colored. Select the boxes to reveal the fraction, decimal, and percentage that matches the picture.
What is the correct way to read the decimal that is shown in the picture you created?
Adjust the slider until 66 squares are colored. Select the boxes to reveal the fraction, decimal, and percentage that matches the picture.
Is 66/100 the same as 2/3? Explain your reasoning.

Information: Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages