Copy of Plane intersection-points, lines, and planes

Problem 1: Use the applet below to answer the following questions.
Create line AB[br]1. Click on the third icon, click on line[br]2. Click on point A then point B[br][br]Create line BA[br]1. Click on the third icon, click on line[br]2. Click on point B then point A[br][br]What conclusion did you come up with?
Making a line.
Problem 2: Use the applet below to answer the following questions.
Create ray AB[br]1. Click on the third icon, click on ray[br]2. Click on point A then point B[br][br]Create line BA[br]1. Click on the third icon, click on ray[br]2. Click on point B then point A[br][br]What conclusion(s) did you come up with?
Making a ray
Problem 3: Use the applet below to answer the following questions.
Create ray AB[br]1. Click on the third icon, click on ray[br]2. Click on point A then point B[br][br]Create line BA[br]1. Click on the third icon, click on ray[br]2. Click on point B then point A[br][br]What conclusion did you come up with?
Making a line segment.
Problem 4: Use the applet to answer the following questions.
1. In order to create a plane, click on the fourth icon, then click on any three points. Your objective is to create the blue and the pink plane and give a generalization about what you observed.[br](If your graph starts getting crowded, click the refresh button to start from scratch. To look at the graph from a different perspective click on the 5th icon, click on rotate 3D graphics view. Play around with the functions so that you get use to it.)[br][br]2. Create 2 lines using any two points on the diagram. What type of intersection was created. (i.e. point, line, line segment, ray, opposite rays or plane.)[br][br]3. Create line HA. What type of intersection does line HA and the pink plane create? (i.e. point, line, line segment, ray, opposite rays or plane.)[br][br]4. What type of intersection does the pink and blue plane create? (i.e. point, line, line segment, ray, opposite rays or plane.)[br][br]

Information: Copy of Plane intersection-points, lines, and planes