A special kite (Icosidodecahedron)

The kite below was inspired by the GeoGebra Book [url=https://www.geogebra.org/m/bntttrnb]Die fabelhafte Welt der Baravelle Spiralen[/url] and made by Eli and Shula Shavit. [br][br]Thanks Eli and Shula for sharing your gorgeous work.
Note that the equilateral triangles just fit in the end, when the solid is covered by the pentagons.
A special kite made by El and Shula Shavit.
A range of wonderful kites made by Eli and Shula Shavit can be seen [url=http://shavitkites.blogspot.com]here[/url].
The family of Archimedean Solids.

Information: A special kite (Icosidodecahedron)