Sumas al azar

Play Chomp!

Chomp is played on a rectangular grid - a 3 by 8 grid in this game - such as squares of a candy bar. The lower left red square is considered "poison". Players take turns picking a square. With each choice, all squares above and to the right of the picked square are no longer available --they are eaten. The person forced to take the "poison" square loses.[br]
[br]Who has a winning strategy? Is either player able to control the game? If so, which player can assure he/she wins?[br][br]Consider square boards (3x3, 4x4, 5x5, ...) Can you find any positions from which you can guarantee you can win?[br][br]Consider boards with 2 rows (2x3, 2x4, 2x5,...) Can you find any positions from which you can guarantee you can win? How can you make sure that you can get to those positions?

Tres en raya - Versión 1

Más juegos

Libro de juegos de Rafael Losada: [url=][/url]
