Adding and Subtracting Integers

You can practice addition and subtraction of negative and positive numbers with this applet. Change the numbers and the sign and look at the answer in the line.
Use the sliders to add or subtract the following integer problems. Record you answers in the box provided. Screenshot your finished work and submit on Schoology.
[list=1][*][b] -4 + 5 = [/b][/*][*][b]-6 - 4 = [/b][/*][*][b]-5 + 7 = [/b][/*][*][b]-5 + 9 = [/b][/*][*][b]2 + (-5) = [/b][/*][*][b]-9 - (-4) = [/b][/*][*][b]4 - (-7) = [/b][/*][*][b]11 + (-14) = [/b][/*][/list]

Information: Adding and Subtracting Integers