Kites are represented in the left panel by the positions of their vertices and the sides and diagonals joining the vertices.[br][br]They are represented in the right panel by the points in a rectangle that has the angle between sides of the kite plotted along one axis and the ratios of side lengths and diagonal lengths plotted along the other.[br][br]You can control the applet from the left panel you can drag the yellow dots to explore the space of kites as seen in the right panel.[br][br]Explain how you might construct a kite from a point plotted in the right hand panel. Does every possible shape kite correspond to a point in the rectangle on the right? Does every point in the rectangle on the right correspond to a kite? Can you prove your argument?[br][br]Can any shape kite be generated by the controls in the left panel? If yes, can you prove it? If no, can you give a counterexample?[br][color=#ff0000][i][b][br]What problem(s) based on this applet could / would you give to your students?[/b][/i][/color][br][br]What have you learned from this applet?