Essential Questions

Please take a moment to consider and answer the following questions. There are no right or wrong answers, so just answer them to the best of your ability. We will revisit these questions again at the conclusion of the lesson. Once you have finished answering the questions, please wait to move on.
Question #1:
How have the concepts of volume and surface area shaped the physical world as you know it today?
Question #2:
If the Earth were flat, could it still be a sphere? Justify your answer.[br]
Question #3:
Where else in your life do you see different perspectives and how are you impacted by them?


A cross-section is ______________________.
Which of the following would NOT be a cross-section.

4) Rotate a Triangle

Exit Ticket and Homework

When you have completed each activity, follow the link below to the exit ticket. Then begin working on the homework. [br][br]Link: [url=][color=#0000ff]Exit Ticket[/color][/url]
