2 Jug Puzzle

[size=200]At a picnic, you need to get some water for the family. [br]With two jugs, can you get a exact amount of water needed?[/size]
Tutorial on the interface : What features there are you can manipulate to fill, pour and empty the jugs
[b][u][size=150]References :[/size][/u][/b][br][size=200][url=https://www.cut-the-knot.org/ctk/Water.shtml][size=150]The Three Jugs problem at Cut the Knot site [br][/size][/url][size=150][url=https://www.cut-the-knot.org/ctk/CartWater.shtml]Two Pail Puzzle[/url][br][/size][/size][br][size=150][url=https://www.mathsisfun.com/games/jugs-puzzle.html]Jugs Puzzle at Math is Fun[/url][/size]

Information: 2 Jug Puzzle