Vector Application: Ship's Course

[b]Vector analysis is used to plot course based on time and speed.[/b][br][b][color=#0000ff]Wind [/color][/b]and [b]currents [/b]can take a ship far from its normal course. If the navigator does not follow the influence of wind and current, the ship could be hopelessly lost.[br][br]The following [b]interactive video[/b] shows 10 square vectors of the ship's movement on the map without and with the addition of wind and current vectors.
[size=200][color=#980000]Try the next simulation and answer the questions on the worksheet.[br][/color][size=150][color=#0000ff][b][u]Required pre knowledge: [/u][/b][br]- Vectors are arrows that are represented by a magnitude value (the length of the arrow) and a direction (the way the arrow is pointed). [br]- How to add vectors geometrically?[br][/color][/size][/size]---------------[br]The text problem and map were downloaded from [url=][b]Ignite STEM learning in K-12 - TeachEngineering[/b][/url]
Regarding the ship's movement, the information in the vector [b]is the distance travelled and the direction travelled. [/b][br]Vectors give us a [i][b]graphical [/b][/i]method to calculate the sum of [u]several simultaneous movements.[br][/u] If movement is [b]without wind and curren[/b]t influences, a vessel arrives at the end of the course vector. If the movement is affected by [b]wind [/b](and [b]current [/b]variables, represented by the[color=#980000][b] sum of wind and current vectors[/b][/color]), [u][color=#0000ff]then a vessel's final position can be found by linking the two (three) vectors[/color][/u].

Information: Vector Application: Ship's Course