Operations on (Positive) Rational Numbers

Description of the Applet:
This GeoGebra applet randomly generates fractions, decimals, and percentages. Checkboxes located on the right allow you to show or hide fractions, decimals, or percentages.[br][br]Type your answer in the corresponding input boxes. A checkmark will appear if your answer is correct.
Your Task
Perform the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) on [b]two different pairs [/b]of each type of number: fractions, decimals, and percentages. Write down your solutions or explanations in the notes provided below.[br][br]Additional note: You can solve more if you need more practice.
Fraction Set #1
Fraction Set #2
Decimal Set #1
Decimal Set #2
Percentage Set #1
Percentage Set #2

Information: Operations on (Positive) Rational Numbers