Research design

The research question are examined in more detail by means of a qualitative hypothesis generating case study. Therefore the GeoGebra applets are used in a 7th grade of a middle school in Austria. The qualitative analysis is carried out using methods of Grounded Theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1998).[br][br]The data collection is divided into a process that involves five stages.
Data collection
[list][*][b]Stage 1: Diagnostic test 1[/b][br][list][*]Contains tasks concerning different pre- and misconceptions;[/*][*]Then students are divided into 2 groups;[br][br][/*][/list][/*][*][b]Stage 2: Diagnostic interviews[/b] [br][list][*]Concerning tasks from diagnostic test 1;[/*][*]With 8 students of group 2;[br][br][/*][/list][/*][*][b]Stage 3: Intervention[/b][br][list][*]Use of GeoGebra applets in class;[/*][*]Students working independently in pairs;[/*][*]Duration: 3 lessons;[br][/*][*]Recording (audio, video, screen) of students of group 1;[br][br][/*][/list][/*][*][b]Stage 4: Diagnostic test 2[/b][br][list][*]Contains tasks concerning conceptions slightly different from diagnostic test 1;[/*][*]With all students;[br][br][/*][/list][/*][*][b]Stage 5: Diagnostic interviews[/b][br][list][*]Based on analysis of recordings and diagnostic test 2;[br][/*][*]With 8 students of group 1;[br][/*][/list][/*][/list][br]If necessary interviews with teachers about the design of the applets will be conducted.
Diagnostic test 1
Here are some tasks of the diagnostic test 1. The first two tasks (Area, Skier) are according to examples from Schlöglhofer (2000). The third one is from a german test instrument called CODI, which has been designed by Nitsch (2015) to diagnose misconceptions concerning functional relationships.
Task "Skier"
[i]You see a skier who is descending a slope. The graph shows the speed of the skier in the course of time. Which of these 4 diagrams is describing the situation best?[/i]
Task "Area"
[i]Here a trapezoid is displayed. Imagine you draw the dotted line from vertex A to the right by the distance x. In doing so you observe the changes in the size of the grey marked area. [/i]
[i]In the diagram the grey-shaded area is a function of distance x. Which of these 4 diagrams is correct?[/i][br][br]
Task "Car"
Which of the 4 cars is the fastest at the time t = 5 seconds?

Informação: Research design