Copy of G.CO.4 How to Find the Center of Rotation

[b]Finding the Center of Rotation[/b][br]How can you find the center of rotation, given that ∆A'B'C' is a rotation of ∆ABC[br][br][br]Using angle measurement, create angle with given size, and create polygon. You will be able to find the venter of rotation. By the end of this exercise you should be able to explain how to find the center of rotation with paper, a pencil, and a compass.
[i][b]Using the following steps, find the center of rotation, given that ∆A'B'C' is a rotation of ∆ABC[/b][/i][br][br]1. Using the Segment tool construct chord (AA')[br][br]
2. Select Perpendicular Bisector from the Drop-Down Menu. [br]Click on segment (AA') to create the perpendicular bisector of (AA') [br]Should the perpendicular bisector of (AA') pass through the center of rotation? Explain your reasoning.[br][br]
3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 to construct the perpendicular bisectors of (BB') and (CC')[br]Should the perpendicular bisector of (BB') pass through the center of rotation? Yes/No[br]Should the perpendicular bisector of (CC') pass through the center of rotation? Yes/No[br]Explain your reasoning.[br][br]
[i][b]What do you think?[/b][/i][br]Where is the center of rotation? How could you verify this?[br][br]

Information: Copy of G.CO.4 How to Find the Center of Rotation