Data analysis method

[justify][br][br][i][b]a. Test reliability analysis[/b][/i][br][br]In interpreting an effect-size, it is therefore important to know the reliability of the measurement from which it was calculated. We calculated retest-reliability in this study. [br][br][br][i][b]b.[/b][/i][b] [/b][i][b]Effect size  analysis[/b][/i][br][b][/b][br]We compute the effect size (d) by subtracting the mean score of the control group from mean the score of the experimental group, and dividing by the pooled standard deviation (Cohen,1988). The effect size tells us how many standard deviations of improvement in transfer test performance were obtained by implementing a particular design future. The effect size score is useful when we want to examine a set of experimental comparisons that used different materials and tests. According Cohen, an effect size of 0.8 is considered large, 0.5 is considered medium, and 0.2 is considered small.[br][br][br][/justify][br] [br][br]

Information: Data analysis method