Truncated Dodecahedron (V=60) from Biscribed Pentakis Dodecahedron for the case of trisection of its 2nd-order segments

[size=85] A polyhedron is constructed whose V=60 vertices are the points of the trisection of the segments the same length 2nd-order (g=2) of the [url=]Biscribed Pentakis Dodecahedron[/url]. [br] Geometric Constructions are in [url=]Applet[/url]: Series of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) different segments of the original polyhedron, and the resulting polyhedra in [url=]Applet[/url]: Serie of polyhedra obtained by trisection (truncation) segments of the Biscribed Pentakis Dodecahedron.[/size]
1. Generating Elements of mesh modeling the surfaces of convex polyhedron and its dual image
2. Coloring edges and faces of polyhedra
Properties of polyhedra
[size=85]T[url=]runcated Dodecahedron[/url] [br]Vertices: 60 (60[3])[br]Faces: 32 (20 equilateral triangles + 12 regular decagons)[br]Edges: 90[br][/size]----------------------------------------------------[br][size=85]Its dual:[br]Vertices: 32 (20[6] + 12[5])[br]Faces: 60 (isosceles triangles)[br]Edges: 90 (60 short + 30 long)[/size]

Información: Truncated Dodecahedron (V=60) from Biscribed Pentakis Dodecahedron for the case of trisection of its 2nd-order segments