Step Through Quantitative Freq. Dist. Construction의 복사본

Move the "size" slider to select a new class size.[br]Move the "seed" slider to select a new set of data.[br]Move the "class" slider to choose a different number of classes.
To pick a class width, the applet first determines the smallest [br]number of decimal places that can be used for the class width, [br]and then the applet determines the smallest number with this [br]many decimal places that fits between the bounds.[br][br]Any number greater than the lower bound and not more than[br]the upper bound can be used for the class width, but simpler[br]numbers are usually easier to add when constructing the [br]lower class limits and the upper class limits.[br][br]Created June 22, 2012. Updated March 17, 2014.

Information: Step Through Quantitative Freq. Dist. Construction의 복사본