Here's the story

The following materials are intended to give a brief introduction to GeoGebra. There are many existing tutorials from the GeoGebra Wiki. I chose a select few and modified them as needed. I also created a few of my own worksheets and edited others from GeoGebra contributors.

Graphics (Geometry) View

What are Tools?
[size=100]Each GeoGebra [i]View [/i]provides a [i]Toolbar [/i]with a selection of [i]Tools [/i]specific for the [i]View [/i]you are working with. You may [b]activate a [/b][i][b]Tool[/b] [/i]by clicking on the button showing the corresponding icon.[br][br][b]Task[/b]: Create a circle using the [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_circle2.png[/icon] [i]Circle with Center through Point[/i] tool.[br][/size][list=1][*][size=100]Select the [img][/img] [i]Circle with Center through Point[/i] tool.[/size][/*][*][size=100]Click twice in the [i]Graphics View[/i] in order to create a circle.[br][u]Note[/u]: The first click defines the center of the circle, while the second click determines its size.[/size][/*][*][size=100]Select the [img][/img] [i]Move [/i]tool and drag the points in order to change the circle's size and / or position.[/size][/*][/list]
Try it yourself...
What are Toolboxes?
[size=100]GeoGebra's [i]Tools[/i] are organized in [i]Toolboxes[/i], containing similar [i]Tools, [/i]or [i]Tools [/i]that generate the same type of new object. You can [b]open a [/b][i][b]Toolbox[/b] [/i]by clicking on a [i]Tool [/i]button and selecting a [i]Tool [/i]from the appearing list.[br][br][b]Task[/b]: Find the [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_segment.png[/icon] [i]Segment[/i] tool within the [i]Toolboxes[/i] and create a segment.[br][/size][list=1][*][size=100]Search the [i]Toolboxes [/i]for the [img][/img] [i]Segment [/i]tool.[br][/size][/*][*][size=100]Click twice in the [i]Graphics View[/i] in order to create two points and a segment between them.[/size][/*][*][size=100]Select the [img][/img] [i]Move [/i]tool and drag the points in order to change size and / or position of the segment.[br][/size][/*][/list]
What are Tooltips?
[size=100]When you select a [i]Tool[/i], a [b][i]Tooltip [/i]appears[/b] explaining how to use this [i]Tool[/i].[br][u]Hint[/u]: If you want to know more about this [i]Tool[/i], click on the [i]Tooltip[/i]. This opens a web page providing more detailed information for the selected [i]Tool[/i].[br][br][b]Task[/b]: Find out how the [icon]/images/ggb/toolbar/mode_polygon.png[/icon] [i]Polygon [/i]tool works and create an arbitrary triangle.[br][/size][list=1][*][size=100]Select the [img][/img] [i]Polygon [/i]tool.[/size][/*][*][size=100]Read the [i]Tooltip.[/i][/size][/*][*][size=100]Figure out how to use this tool in order to create a triangle.[/size][/*][/list][size=100][br][/size]

Area and Circumference of Circles

This is an exercise to show how the area and circumference of a circle change as the radius changes. Move the slider and observe.

Getting started with GeoGebra in Smart Notebook

Getting started with GeoGebra in Smart Notebook

How to start a new book in GeoGebra


References for Investigating GeoGebra

GeoGebra QuickStart Guides and Tutorials
Comprehensive Manual
