Will It Hit The Hoop?

Use the sliders to adjust the graph and predict the outcome of the shot.
Will It Hit The Hoop?
What is the equation for your findings?

Fraction Division1: a ÷ b (Partitive)

(a) How many pizzas will each student receive if 1 pizza is divided equally among: [br]  (i) 2 students;  (ii) 3 students; (iii) 4 students?[br][br](b) How many pizzas will each student receive if each of the following numbers of pizzas are divided among 3 students?[br]  (i) 2 pizzas  (ii) 4 pizzas (iii) 5 pizzas[br][br]In general, how would you calculate a ÷ b ?
Anthony Or. GeoGebra Institute of Hong Kong. (中文版:http://www.geogebratube.org/student/m14540)[br]orchiming@gmail.com
